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Try Out Collection Pieces

Come over to try on a piece from the collection!

30 minSTUDIO & SHOP Steen Papier Schaar

Service Description

Are you curious aout a piece in the collection and want to try this on? Than you can book this appointment. Know that you are always welcome in the shop, wether I'm there or not. My collegues can also help you out in the shop but they don't have any goldsmith knowledge. So if you need this and want my help than you can select me at "staff member" and I will be there! Also keep in mind that not everything on the site is available in the shop. So when you book this appointment then you can let me know if you had a specific piece in mind. If it's not there, I will let you know!

Contact Details

  • Verwersdijk 2, Delft, Netherlands

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